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Who Says Women Can’t Benefit From Kettlebell Training?

Woman Lifting Kettlebell

OK, this is for all the ladies who are on the fence about whether kettlebell training can be a good fit for them, may I present you with exhibit A?

Josh Hillis has a really good post, which details Ashley’s diet and workout appearing in Women’s Health.

If you think she has a complicated diet and exercise routine, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that she keeps it very simple. No fad diets or trendy fitness machines, just good clean eating of foods we were designed to consume and old school training methods including great staples such as Squats, Lunges and Kettlebells.

Women concerned with bulking up if they do resistance training should take notice of Ashley’s success on how they can benefit from this type of training regimen and diet to feel confident that they won’t look like a body builder.

Ladies, drop me comment on your experiences with kettlebells or body weight exercises.

Keith Butler

I love working out...if I don't get my workout in, I really feel a difference in the way the rest of the day plays out. I'm a physical culture buff, especially the classics, love working out with primarily using bodyweight and isometric exercises. For workouts where I need to add resistance, I prefer kettlebells, sandbags, along with other old-school methods. It sure beats throwing money away on the latest gadgets. Love video games, swimming and playing guitar, when not doing something on the computer.

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